Hello, On this page you will find information about media coverage of my writing and if you are looking for media resources about me and my writing here are a couple of links that you may find useful:
Amazon Author Central
Media Resources Fact Sheet
10 Things That You Didn’t Know About Me!
Please feel free to contact me if you have questions, author interview, or speaking engagements requests.
In the Media
Shades of Loyalty – Editorial Review for the Author Resource Centre Prepared by Grant Leishman
Shades of Loyalty (Jack Jago Thriller Series Book #2) by Paul Stretton-Stephens is the second book in the series that introduces the reader to our main hero, the terrorist fighting Jack Jago of the British Intelligence Service. Jack has one big advantage over the normal run-of-the-mill intelligence agency or police. Their team has no rules-of-engagement and has to seek no authority from anyone. When they are on a mission, the decisions are all theirs and they do whatever is necessary to ensure the job is done and the threat is eliminated.
Read Full Editorial Review Here
The Plastic Paradigm – Editorial Review for the Author Resource Centre Prepared by Grant Leishman
The Plastic Paradigm, by Paul Stretton-Stephens, the first book in the Jack Jago Thriller Series could perhaps best be described as a short primer to this new series of thrillers based around the character of Jack Jago, a security consultant in Great Britain. At just 128 pages on Kindle, it is a novelette, but it does still contain a full story and action adventure featuring our hero, Jack Jago (or just plain Jago, as he prefers). This books serves its purpose well of introducing us to the dangerous and surreptitious world of Jago and his team of specialists…
Read Full Editorial Review Here
23rd August 2017 – RNIB
Due to my writing activity as a person with sight loss the RNIB asked to write a piece on me, which was very nice of them. You can read the full article here.
4th July 2017 – BBC Radio Cornwall,
This is an interview covering the launch of The Tacrem Adventure Series, Enemies Rising Parts 1 & 2