About Paul
Paul Stretton-Stephens was born in Robin Hood country, Nottingham, UK, He has served in the Royal Marines, Royal Military Police, and the UK Civil Service where he coached multiple sports and activities and taught Physical Education. He also taught and coached Business Management and was a senior educational leader before becoming a Visual Artist, Photographer, and Author. Paul is currently writing the Jack Jago Thriller Series. - Here's a taste: Ex-special forces, ex-military police Jack Jago is a man … Read More about About Paul

What’s Happening
Every few weeks I’ll post an update as to What’s Happening in My World to keep you right up to date. *****10th Feb 2019***** Change is a Coming - I said 2019 would be a year of change; a year where forward movement is the norm. And it’s started. The first movement has been that transfer of my podcast, The Crime Fiction Lounge (TCFL) to here on my writing website. If you don’t know the podcast, I should explain that I chat with guest authors from the crime fiction community about their latest release, … Read More about What’s Happening